
Hello! I’m Felix Müller, a Berlin-based photographer with a keen eye for the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Feel free to reach out via email, join me on Mastodon, connect professionally on LinkedIn, or follow me on Twitter.

Let’s connect and enrich our understanding together!

Passion for Capturing Moments

Growing up in East Berlin, I developed a deep appreciation for the intricate tapestry of history and modernity that my city embodies. This unique perspective is reflected in my photography, where I strive to capture the essence of a moment, be it in the bustling city streets or the serene natural landscapes.

A Blend of Interests

My interests in technology, history, philosophy, arts, and complex systems shape my approach to photography. I find beauty in the interconnectedness of the world, from the macrocosm of urban life to the microcosm of natural ecosystems. Each photo I take is a narrative, a slice of life from my lens, influenced by my fascination with the evolution of societies from ancient times through the Renaissance.

Sharing the Journey

This page is more than just a gallery; it’s a journal of my journey through the lens. I invite you to explore the moments I’ve captured and hope they resonate with you as they do with me. Welcome to my world, seen through the unique perspective of my camera.